Saturday, September 29, 2007

Awsome movie!! - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

Packed with Adventure, Love, and Action great for the whole family!! I love Harrison Ford in the movie very good looking young man.

!!!empire strikes down the rest!!! - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

George Lucas turned his 1977 masterpiece into a modern day space age epic. Then in 1980 he managed the impossible and turned his epic into the greatest father son romance ever written. I love you. I know.

Star wars - perfect chemistry - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

Could a cast be any better suited for their characters? There is no one that could have played Han better. And the chemistry between Han, Leia, and Luke is just fantastic. Story is great, cliffhanger, music is tremendous, Yoda, no ewoks or Jar Jar. Its just a great movie.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The first film is better but this is the acception - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

Who wouldn't want to see T-47 modified airspeeders(A.K.A snowspeeders,you could say I'm a Star Wars wiz/nerd) flying through the cold Hoth(the ice planet)air or a deadly bounty hunter chasing a weapon-loaded space freighter? Or a fatal lightsaber duel between the heroic Luke Skywalker and the evil sith lord Darth Vader?Well not a lot of people but with people like me(Star Wars fans)probably.This maybe the best sci fi sequel ever(sorry Star Trek fans).Well that's only my opinion.For me and probably other fans would want to see the further adventures of Luke Skywalker,Han Solo,Princess Leia Organa,Chewbacca,C-3PO,R2-D2, the Rebel Alliance, Darth Vader,and the Galactic Empire(whew,I remembered most of them).I have one word to describe the special effects:wow!Overall I thought the movie was great so if you have'nt seen it,you probably should,even if you are a devoted Star Trek fan.

My favorite.... - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

This is my favorite of the Star Wars trillogy. I loved every aspect of this movie. I truly loved the whole trillogy though. If you haven't seen this movie go buy it now.

Favorite movie as a kid - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

I don't get what people don't like about it. I mean if you think this one was the worst just remember Lucas' attempt to make three more. I particularly enjoy how it ends on a dark note, and don't forget Harrison Ford's greatest character ever. "Who's scruffy lookin'?"

Thursday, September 27, 2007

D - for dumb humor - Wedding Crashers Reviews

I am simply let down everytime I get talked into going to an american made comedy. Who's rating these comedy movies... post pubescent boys and girls? I guess if you think bare breasted women, stupid cliches' and just plain dumb writing is funny... more power to you. I'll stick to the foreign comedies, until Hollywood can produce something more funny than this type of garbage.

D - for dumb humor - Wedding Crashers Reviews

I am simply let down everytime I get talked into going to an american made comedy. Who's rating these comedy movies... post pubescent boys and girls? I guess if you think bare breasted women, stupid cliches' and just plain dumb writing is funny... more power to you. I'll stick to the foreign comedies, until Hollywood can produce something more funny than this type of garbage.

D - for dumb humor - Wedding Crashers Reviews

I am simply let down everytime I get talked into going to an american made comedy. Who's rating these comedy movies... post pubescent boys and girls? I guess if you think bare breasted women, stupid cliches' and just plain dumb writing is funny... more power to you. I'll stick to the foreign comedies, until Hollywood can produce something more funny than this type of garbage.

The best sw ever. - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

Empire Strikes Back is hands down the best Star Wars movie ever. It just has a very good plot and when you find out who Luke Skywalker's father is you wonder how. The chemistry that Ford and Fisher has is just perfect, and the introduction of Yoda was very good. When Vader and Luke have their duel it just sets the tone of how the bad guy has to win some times. Overall a very good movie.

Incredible! the best star wars film! - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

I have been a Star Wars fanatic for eight years now (since I was 8), and I have loved every part of the Star Wars universe. Although I love each movie, the one that really stands out the most for me is TESB. It has the best storyline, the darkest plot, a huge range of fantastic settings (ice worlds, space battles, an asteroid field, floating cities, starships), and one of the most shocking plot twists ever ("No, I am your father."). I only wish that Mr. Lucas had done the same remarkable job on the prequels, which I am very disappointed in.

Good movie - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

Great movie for the SW's fans. I just wished that some of the newer SW's movies were better like episode 1 and 2.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Good, even though it was made about 25 years ago.. - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

This has been one of the best old time movies ever made. With outstanding characters, George Lucas once again proves to be one of the best writers there are!

Good flim - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

Star Wars 5.Three years later Imperial forces continue to pursue the Rebels. After the Rebellion's defeat on the ice planet Hoth, Luke journeys to the planet Dagobah to train with Jedi Master Yoda, who has lived in hiding since the fall of the Republic. In an attempt to convert Luke to the dark side, Darth Vader lures young Skywalker into a trap in the Cloud City of Bespin.May 21, 1980 Nationwide; February 21, 1997

Greater than the original star wars by miles - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

The original ?Star Wars? was only the warm-up, and ?The Empire Strikes Back? was the payoff. In this brilliant sequel, there are more characters, larger sets, and bigger fun. Clearly, ?The Empire Strikes Back? is greater than the original ?Star Wars? by miles. Rare is it that a sequel can triumph this much, but with a movie like this, it can be done. George Lucas endured a lot of pain when he directed the original ?Star Wars?, and during a flight back to San Francisco, he suffered chest pains that eventually made him say that he never wanted to direct a film again. He was tired of studios pushing him around and taking his movies away from him, which had happened not just with the original ?Star Wars?, but also his two previous films, ?American Graffiti? and ?THX 1138?. This is why the director of ?The Empire Strikes Back? was Irvin Kershner, along with Gary Kurtz once again being the producer, and Lawrence Kasdan and the late Leigh Bracket being the screenwriters. Lucas only served as the executive producer this time. Irvin Kershner?s direction did not fail. Because of it, the movie has an exciting beginning that goes to the ice planet Hoth, where a battle is scheduled to take place. During the time on this planet, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and his macaroni-and-cheese-guts riding creature (known as a Tauntaun) are attacked by a snow monster in the snowy wild, and after Luke kills it and escapes, he suddenly sees the ghost of his elderly friend Ben Kenobi (Alec Guinness), who tells Luke that he must go to a planet known as the Degobah System and meet ?Yoda?, who will help Luke begin his training. Luke passes out in the cold after Ben?s ghost disappears, then suddenly Han Solo (Harrison Ford) quickly comes to Luke?s rescue. Both of them are then rescued by a fighter craft. After that, the battle of Hoth begins, and the soldiers fight gigantic, four-legged steel machines called AT-ATs. This incredibly visualized battle is given life by Joe Johnston?s visual effects and Dennis Muren?s effects photography. The good guys win the battle, and when it?s over, Luke and the droid R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) set off for Degobah. They later find out it?s really nothing more than a bunch of grim swampland, and suddenly they?re encountered by a strange green creature, who tells them he knows the way to Yoda. They follow the creature to his house only to discover that the creature actually IS Yoda, and he notices that Luke is an impatient person; that he may not be ready to begin Jedi training. The voice of Ben Kenobi then convinces Yoda (Frank Oz) that Luke is ready, but Luke doesn?t know how hard it will be. ?I?m won?t fail you,? Luke says, ?I?m not afraid.? ?Oh, you will be,? Yoda whispers, ?you will be.? Meanwhile, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), Princess Leia (Carrie Fischer), and the droid C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) are making their way to Cloud City, where Han hopes that his old friend Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) will provide them shelter. During the trip there, a romance forms between Han and Leia, which is odd, since you would believe Leia to be in love with Luke. In fact, she?s in love with both of them. They arrive at Cloud City and Lando greets them all with a good laugh and some smiles; unfortunately, he is secretly being forced to lead them into a trap conducted by the dark lord Darth Vader (David Prowse; voiced by James Earl Jones). The surprises in the movie set their own paces and own thrills, all adding up to the best scene in the entire movie: the lightsaber duel between Luke and Darth Vader, and when Luke?s hand finally gets cut off, Vader reveals something to him that Luke never could have thought possible. Now I am faced with the question of whether ?The Empire Strikes Back? is the best of the Star Wars movies. Critics think so, and so do others who strongly believe that the great humanity in it makes it the best. Unfortunately, when I watch a Star Wars movie, I?m too absorbed into the thrills and visual effects. Therefore, I am so stubborn that I think ?Return of the Jedi? to be the best Star Wars movie. To me it is the most thrilling, and it has the best sets (not to mention it has the funkiest creatures you?ll ever see). If I were to explore the characters in the films more, I would call ?The Empire Strikes Back? the best of the films. It?s just that the Star Wars films are films that I watch mainly to have a good time. Hold your horses, though; I still believe ?The Empire Strikes Back? to be the second best of the Star Wars Trilogy. If I were asked why it?s called the darkest of the first three films, I couldn?t give a good answer. I do agree that it?s the darkest, though. Maybe it?s because of the swamps of Degobah, the cave in the huge earthworm that swallows the Millennium Falcon, and the battle of Luke and Darth Vader all mixed together; that would give you darkness. Some of the stuff in the film that isn?t dark is also cool too, such as the setting of Cloud City. And the battle on Hoth? Just glorious. The whole movie is. By Adam Zanzie (icebox482000)

Monday, September 24, 2007

The saga continues... - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

As much fun as Episode IV: ANH and a much darker plot involved. All your favorite characters return the second time around and Luke learns a startling secret after the climatic lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. Luke got owned in this one, but got over on Vader in Episode VI: ROTJ. One of my all-time favorite collections to own on DVD. There's not a bad one out of the three.

The empire strikes back - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

This movie was a little off, but awesome. This just had a little too much action, I would say. In this movie it also has a famous line, " Luke I Am Your Father," and Luke screams NOOOOOOOO, and also says that's impossible. Empire is almost perfect. Almost. Out of five stars, it's a 1, nah just kiddin' the movie was good so it's a 4.

Better than the first - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

The Empire Strikes Back i thought was a better than the origanal Star Wars. It has improved in story(i like how they made the theme a lot darker), the acting is pretty much the same, and also the direction. Also the f/x are a little better but still not super impressive. A better effort than the original. Grade:B+

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A really strong follow-up to "star wars" - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

Time has past since the "Death Star" had been destroyed, and the "Imperial Empire" is determined to enact revenge on those responsible. And those who are responsible are now hidden on the snow and ice covered planet in the "Hoth" system. As "Luke Skywalker" (Mark Hamill) and "Han Solo" (Harrison Ford) are surveying the area around the hidden "Rebel" base, "Skywalker" sees what he thinks is an asteroid impact the planet surface near him and goes to investigate as "Solo" returns to the base. As "Skywalker" is about to go to the impact spot, he is attacked by a large "Hoth" creature and is dragged away to the creature's shelter where the remains of previous meals are strewn around the cave floor -- including "Skywalker's" "tauntaun". "Solo" then goes back out as night falls, as does the temperature, to find "Skywalker", who has killed the creature and is visited by the spirit of "Ben 'Obi-Wan' Kenobi" (Alec Guiness) who tells him that he must go to the "Dagobah" system to find "Jedi Master Yoda" (voiced and puppeteered by Frank Oz) to complete his training. After a search party finds "Solo" and "Skywalker" the next morning, and "Skywalker" is nursed back to health in the base's medical section, the "Empire" forces attack. They are able to take over the base as the "Rebel" forces who survived the attack evacuate. "Skywalker," along with "Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2)" (Kenny Baker), head to "Dagobah" as the rest of the fleet go to the rendezvous, while the "Millenium Falcon," piloted by "Solo" and "Chewbacca" (David Mayhew), evaccuate "See-Threepio (C3-PO)" and "Princess Leia Organa" (Carrie Fisher). Then, sometime after beginning his training with "Yoda", "Skywalker" gets a vision that his friends are in danger at a "city in the clouds" and leaves to help them against "Yoda's" demands, as well as those of "Kenobi". But, what "Skywalker" doesn't know is that "Lord Darth Vader" (David Prowse, voiced by James Earl Jones) and the "Empire" forces has taken over "Cloud City", which was under the leadership of "Solo's" old friend "Lando Calrissian" (Billy Dee Williams), and captured his friends. Now "Skywalker" may be their only hope. This is a strong follow-up to the first film. It has action, suspense, and really good special effects. It also has strong performances from the cast. The special effects are well done, and are quite believable, mostly thanks to the fact that the spaceships are models and not the fake looking CGI. The sound effects work quite nicely, as do the laser effects seen during the major battle at the start of this film. You can tell that the cast from the original movie have melded very nicely. In my opinion, this really helps in their performances and makes the relationships of the characters more believable. Williams, who debuts in this film, made "Calrissian" a loveable rogue to rival the "scoundrel", "Solo". However, being that this is his first appearance in the original trilogy, he seems to be the odd man out and has to work and bonding with the rest of the cast on-screen. The wardrobes are much better in this film, most notably the ones worn by "Skywalker" and "Princess Leia," who had the cheapest looking outfits in the first film. The "Imperial" outfits haven't changed since the first film, but we get to see the new "Snowtroopers" uniforms during the battle on "Hoth". There is a few scenes with some bad editing within them. They were just badly done and looked out of place when they showed up. On the other hand, the pacing of the film is really nice. There is some good suspense in this film. Especially during the battle on "Hoth" and the "lightsaber" battle between "Lord Vader" and "Skywalker," where we find that the two have a connection that shocked fans back when the movie was in theaters. Despite many dated special effects and bad edits, this movie is a must see for sci-fi fans.

Light saber's down the best of all 6 of the movies - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

According to Georgie himself this is the middle act of the first 3 films or technichally the last three films in the Saga that follows the trials and tribulations of Anakin, ObeWan, Padmae, Luke, Leah, and Han! There are no cutsie little characters running around or comedy relief CGI inserted ones either (thank goodness). Instead we open up to the Planet Hoth where the rebells have made an operational base and are still fighting the good fight against the Emperor and the dreaded Darth Vader! The scene in the igloo like rebel station is filled with tension between Leah and Han and their growing attraction to one another! By now Vader's taste for the young Skywalker is growing stronger and he is on a mission to lure him over to the Dark side. Much the way he himself was "turned" he appeals to his love and loyalty of his friends and their immenent doom in Cloud City. Luke is placed in a horrible position to stay with Yoda and continue his training or leave to save his friends from their certain fate!The best part of the movie is now upon us! After facing capture and torture in Cloud City for no apparant reason other than being affilaited with the Rebel alliance and Luke; "they never even asked me any questions!" Han Solo, Vader decides to test the trap he has set for Luke on Han. This is the CARBON FREEZE that he lowered into and put into hybernation until such time as he will be awoken. The trick is to survive the freezing process. The lighting , the tension, the music, the wookie screaming for his master, C3PO completely disheveled in pieces on Chewies back, and the look that Princess Leah has on her face as she watches helplessly as Han is placed on the crude contraption... what a set up! How the hell will they get out of this one! Guess what they don't! That's what makes this movie so great! They finally accknowledge that they are not immune to falling prey to a trap set by old Anakin himself! After all of those blaster fights and space chase scenes it has finally caught up with them! And our Anti-Hero is slowly dipped after the slick and too cool for school dialogue betweeen him and Leah who say's " I love you!" Han answers back without missing a beat " I know." Well he actually does survive and is quickly handed over to Boba Fete to be taken as his bounty to Jabba the Hut for old debts Han did not take care of. Meanwhile Luke has come to save the day and unbeknownced to him has walked right into the trap set for him. As Leah, C3PO, Chewie are being lead out with Lando to Darth Vaders shuttle Leah breaks freee to warn Luke that its a trap! Soon Luke realizes that he must face Darth and meets him face to face in the abandonded part of Cloud City. It is a dark, omnious, and telling place that is outlined with red lighting on the ground and the carbon chamber reset now to catch Luke. The saber's are drawn, one red and the other blue, both belonging to Darth Vader at one time or another (a fact unknown to Luke at this point as Obe Wan told him that the light saber was his father's Anakin Skywalker), Vader is anxious to see how far he has come in his Jedi training, evidence of his mastery will be with his use of the saber! He comes at Luke with relentless strength pushing him into the chamber very quickly and using his command of the force to point and activate the freezing apperatice, "All too easy," he says as the carbon begins too freeze! Luke also can manipulate his use of the force and jusy as it turns on he catipultes himself out of the chamber to hear Darth Vader reply,"Impressive most impressive!" Luke quickly retorts," You'll find I'm full of surprises!" The fight is ON! Back and forth it goes but Vader finally has a one up on Luke as he loosens parts of the interior building out on Luke at full speed, the window is broken and he is sent to the outer portion of the space station. Luke slammes into the shoulder portion of Darths medal body, and he actually screams in pain, evidence there still is a man underneath all of the blackened terror! He then reacts with one fail swoop and cuts Lukes hand off, as it clutches his old saber and falls into space! Luke is in a crunch he is looking at the end of a light saber and given only 2 choices, join Vader or die! Just as he has given into his death by letting go of the rail, Vader tells him " Obe Wan never told you what really happened to your father," Luke " he told me enough, he told me that you killed him!" Vader" No, Luke I am your father!" This sends Luke over the edge literally! He releases his grip and plunges to what seems to be his demise! By this time Leah, Chewie and the driods have escaped with the aid of Lando and are being chased by a band of Stormtrooper pilots! Luke has managed to fall out of a garbage chute and hang on with his one hand to some kind of antenna! He calls to Leah, " Hear me, Leah hear me." Princess Leah makes them turn the Falcon around and comes across Luke at the last minute to save his life! They pull away and Luke is lead to a bed to rest, being called by his fathjer and in turn calling back to Obe Wan as to why he did not tell him! Finally as looks like the Falcon might be taken R-2 fixes the hyperdrive and they make into light speed and back to safety! They are back in the safe hands of the rebel alliance and Luke has just received his first mechanical hand, much like his fathers, this is certainly a foreshadowing into the future for him as he must still grapple with the good and bad side of the force. He, Leah and the driods look on as Chewie and Lando gas up the old Falcon to go and find Han. The music is qued and they drive away! Leaving our band of hopefulls to face an uncertain future! Too bad George didn't employ the same director for the next installment! Cheers! Stacey :)

Just as good as star wars!! - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

I know thisis many of you's favourite Star Wars flick but, but I've always had a tough time deciding what of the originals was my favourite. Don't get me wrong, (notice the A+ grade) I love it! It makes you think more than the others and has a great story. It proves that George Lucas was a smart filmmaker. I love how they introduce Yoda as a little green crazy man!! And even though you know its coming, the "I am your father" line is still really powerfull and almost shocks me everytime I see it. I also love the scene where Luke goes into the evil forest and meets Darth Vader. After he kills him, it turns out to be Luke. Its just stuff like that, that makes you think and thats why this gets my A+++

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The empire strikes back - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

The second movie is one of my favorite film out of the older Star Wars movies. For one thing, all the charactors were spilt up at a point of the story and they go out on their own storyline. Like Luke and R2-D2 goes looking for Yoda. And Han and Leia being chased, and captured by the empire, mostly lead by Darth Vader, my favorite cinema villian by the way. All the effects in this movie is way better then the first Star Wars even though the first is good. I will never stop watching this movie, or all of them in fact.

One of the greats - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

This movie is one of the all time best movies of all time. I mean how can you not like this movie???

Just awesome - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

without a doubt the best star wars movie ever, it had not one flaw, just stunning in everyway.lucas will never be able to top this . since he has gone for cg crap and story lack of substance . george go back and review your work . you missed the target with everything after this one, because return jedi was the first step down the hill... ewoks..please

Friday, September 21, 2007

The best of the 'star wars' trilogy. - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

"The Empire Strikes Back" is the best of the 'Star Wars' trilogy, and it's one of the best sequels ever made. My favorite scene in the movie is when Luke fights with Darth Vader, and thinks that he killed his father, but Darth Vader said "No, I am your father." That was so cool.

Best of the first star wars saga!!! - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

This is the most incomparable sci-fi movie ever. What a masterpiece of George Lucas. Mostly had been improved, from the special effect, story, direction, also the romance background. Only one which not good enough, I think. Darth Vader had lost his own state. He became TOO SOFT to his enemy since this movie and the third. Even the empeire had lost their touches. But the part when Darth Vader was starting to rise again by torturing Captain Solo without any slightest feeling, it WAS REALLY COOL. Make me chilled and scared. But that is the Dark LOrd of The Sith isn't it? I just can not stand to wait the 3rd movie when Anakin Skywalker soon would become Darth Vader. I hope this one would not fail just like Return of The Jedi was.

"star wars" - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

"THe Empire Strikes Back" is one of the greatest action/adventure, science/fiction fantasy movies of all time.Back in 1980 the film wrote history.Of course it rereleased that's way the visual effects were so dated.Director George Lucas and the other stars achieved an outstanding movie.

Best of the star wars series!! - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

This movie was the last that George Lucas did without changing the story to market for merchandise. It is pure story and a great one at that. All Star Wars movies since have been changed in some way (Ewoks, Jar Jar) in order to market to children or merchandise. George should look back to this movie when making Episode III. Email me Website

The greatest in history! - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

The following is my response to my friend commenting on the shallowness of the characters in relation to the special effects. Here's my take: It may have been universal in themes, good v. evil being the most obvious. "Opposites attract" rings true in this saga as well. Han & Leia could not be further apart in background. Remember the scene (one of my favorite) when they were in the "hunk of junk" fixing the hyperspeed in the belly of the beast? (Well, they didn't know they were in a belly, but they found out soon enough.) He says to her, "I think you like me because I'm a scoundrel." He is a scoundrel, & she is a princess who is forced in situations that require people's attention to be diverted elsewhere other than on her. Thus, I cannot argue that the themes are universal, but are they shallow? I found the character development to be deep, deep enough that I was captured from the get go. Take the love affair between Han & Leia (again). You see them go from strangers to two very real people who are developing feelings for each other & don't know what to do with them. They first become quite apparent when Han is preparing to leave Hoth without her. She objects, but she never gives the real reason, but he knows it. She knows that he knows it, & he knows that she knows it. As it turns out, he never gets to leave without her. At that point, I think he would have found it hard to do so, anyway, even if he could have followed through with his original plans. I was drawn into their adventures together. When they kissed before he got sealed in that box, I was right there with them. Of course, there are other characters & other story lines stemming from the other characters, such as Luke, but I always was drawn to Han & Leia the most. There is nothing shallow about how they fell for each other over time. My childhood was not a happy one generally speaking. When I watched this film, I escaped into another world where I came alive. I became Leia, & I sure as hell felt the kisses they exchanged. When she saved him from Jabba the Hut, I had tears in my eyes when she said, "Someone who loves you." Then, of course, Jabba the Hut captures her & makes her wear that beautiful bikini on her then-awesome body. Of course, the music scores & the special effects definitely add to the movie's greatness. I agree that it would not have been the same if the special effects had not been so awesome. I simply cannot understand why shallow would be used in any sense of the word to describe this film, the one that carried me away with it "a long, long time ago."

Best of the series - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

This was the "darkest" of the star wars films, but also the best!! The hoth battle scene and the carbon freezing scene of han solo still give me the "chills" (no pun intended).

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Quite possibly the best film every made - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

Many people make the statement I've written above for almost every fun, new film they see. However, I don't feel I've exaggerated at all. The original "Star Wars" trilogy is a wonderful saga, but this film is the sort of movie that George Lucas may never match again. To explain the plot (if you don't know it) would be a sin, and to explain anything else about the film would ruin the experience for Star Wars virgins. "The Lord of the Rings" is good, but not one "Rings" films reaches quite the distance that this film does.

The great movies: the empire strikes back - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

Sometimes, it seems that the world is separated into two categories; those who are Star Wars Fans and those who aren't. For the most part, I can understand either way why you feel as you do. The six-part saga is massive and reaches the fans in not just it's visual entertainment, but in the immagination as well. The films can also be an overload of the senses and be outlandishly complicated or trite. For the record, I have been a fan of the films since birth (for the first five years of my life, I knew nothing but Star Wars). But now I'm also a critic. Looking at all six films in sequential order recently, I realized that most of the films are more guilty pleasures for me than great art. But there is one film in the series that validates these films into the relm of masterpiece. That film is The Empire Strikes Back. The reasoning behind this is rather simple; the film doesn't play to the audience, but requires the audiance to follow the characters from Point A to Point B on the film's terms. This cannot be said for any of the other films in the series. There are three major stories going on throughout the film; 1) The training of Luke Skywalker to be a Jedi by the legendary Yoda (a muppet in this film that carries the weight of the film's most important themes). 2) The blossoming romance between Han Solo and Princess Leia and their betrayal by Lando Calrissian. 3) The evil Darth Vader's hunt for all three of them. The film connects all three stories together at the beginning and the end, but that's all. But what's amazing is that decisions made by one story affects the other two. Example, Darth Vader's use of bounty hunters sets off a chain of events that lead to the other two stories climaxing at the same location. Dialog-wise, the most quoted dialog comes from this film. The dialog is that fresh. Most of it either coming from Yoda (who waxes phiolosophy about the force in such poetic tones, you'd almost believe it as a real religion) as well as Han Solo, whose one-liners and rougeish charms just tickle the tongue. But there's more than that. Everbody talks as though they understand the weight of the situation around them. This is a dark time for these characters. They understand that they are treading into unknown territory and that the stake are already high as it is. It's easy to say "I love you", but what's the most honest thing to say back, especially if you are not certain to see them again? This film also foreshadows better than any of the other films. And I don't mean the shocking revelation that everybody knows about. Just think about this; how is it that Leia was the one he could link himself with while he was dangling on those wires? What about that last line Yoda gives as Luke speeds away? I want to credit Lawrence Kasdan for these things. He obviously knows more about screenwriting and believeable dialogue than George Lucas, as anyone who has seen any of the prequels can testify. I also have to credit Frank Oz for his masterful puppetry of Yoda in this film. This character holds serious weight in the way he walks to the way his body feels heavy on his bones. You can tell that this is a creature whose seen much in his 800 years of life. And when he talks, you listen to him. Name any other non-human character who can do that? Even Gollum didn't say much that resonates with the same power as Yoda. And yes, I have to credit George Lucas for his structure. The second films in most trillogys are usually the best because they don't have to worry about the beginning or the end. This is no exception. But only a true master can make the second act end on a desperate note, not exactly hopeful that the end is near, nor cynical that things are only going to get worse. We are left in perpetual Limbo until we see what happens next. I can only imagine how hard it was for fans to wait 3 years for the answers to their questions. Now that the saga is complete, we can sit back and observe Star Wars as a finished piece. It works in places and not in others. I cannot recommend it to everybody because of it's wide range. I can state that The Empire Strikes Back is the most crucial, as well as the most fascinating chapter of the Star Wars Saga.

Easily the best of the series thus far - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

Empire is loved for what it is. And what it is is simply the best film of the original trilogy. It has a totally different feel than the original STAR WARS, and with good reason. It is darker, scarier,and it is the movie where we first learned Vader's true identity. Let's hope Lucas is able to use the dark side of the force to full advantage in Episode III.

La mejor de la trilog?"original" - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

En esta pel?la George Lucas abandona la direcci??ara evitar el stress del mega鸩to de Star Wars, pero sigue paso a paso supervisando la pel?la en todos sus detalles. La historia contin? proceso de madurez de Luke Skywalker como aprendiz, esta vez del gran maestro Yoda, luego de que "Ben" Obi-Wan Kenobi muriera (o se dejar?atar) por su ex-aprendiz Darth Vader. El proceso de aprendizaje ser?ntenso, y el peque??oda le demostrar?l ingenuo, inseguro, inmaduro y dubitativo Luke que "La Fuerza" es un don que se desarrolla con paciencia y humildad. Tambi鮠se desarrolla la relaci??e Han Solo y la Princesa Leia, al m?puro estilo del "vago" que se enamora de la dama "de la sociedad". La presencia del cazarecompesas Boba Fett al servicio de Jabba the Hutt y la captura del Capitan Solo en carbonita son algunos de los puntos fuertes de este cap?lo, asi como el poco confiable Lando Carlissian. Mucho mejores efectos que la primera (totalmente revolucionarios para su ?ca, como el ataque inicial al planeta Hoth) y la grandiosa y dram?ca escena del duelo final entre padre e hijo constituyen los puntos m?fuertes, antol??os y emocionantes de este film.

Excting and fun - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

No matter how many times I see the first 3 Star Wars films, I still like them more then the new ones. The Empire Strikes Back is a good entry into the popular Star Wars saga, and as always has a great rewatch value. (Now matter how many times you see it, it's still cool.)

Real bad guys wear black (but they hurt inside) - The ChThe Empire Strikes Backroni Reviews

STAR WARS: EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (named in homage to the matinee serials of the 1940s) is the finest film of George Lucas' "Trilogy," and it was re-released with enhanced special effects and added scenes in 1997. The evil EMPIRE that controls a huge, intergalactic federation attempts to smash the rebellion headed by Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) after the successful, initial raid that was the subject of the first film (STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE, known simply as STAR WARS). But, while the EMPIRE plans its offensive, the rebels are regrouping, as well. Most significantly, the young warrior Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) is completing his training as a Jedi knight under the tutelage of the esoteric -- and, let's face it; cuddly -- Jedi master, Yoda (voice of Frank Oz). Improving on the spectacular special effects introduced in the first film and maintaining the sparks-and-action quotient, EMPIRE enhances the thematic blend of these films and expands the characterizations of their central players. Specifically, EMPIRE accelerated a New Age revival in popular culture with its metaphysical concept of "The Force," and it fleshed-out the spiritual dimensions of its arch-villain, Darth Vader (voice of James Earl Jones), in a way that was reminiscent of the great epic sagas of classical mythology. Even though the struggle depicted in these films is a military confrontation over the governance of the material world, there are thematic undercurrents about salvaging our humanity in a hegemony of machines. There is the question of whether spirituality has any use in a scientific society. When Luke makes his final approach to bomb the Death Star, the disembodied voice of the dead Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) urges him to use The Force. Heartened, Luke brushes aside his computerized visor and wings it, relying solely on his human, and spiritual, instincts. Still, the film remains thoroughly entertaining, with the exploits of the two lovable 'droids,' R2D2 and C3PO, providing comic relief while the fledgling relationship between Princess Leia and Han Solo (Harrison Ford) imbues the film with a romantic element. But, the dramatic wallop comes with the shocking revelations at the end of the film about the relationship of young Master Luke to the villain, Lord Vader. The soap-opera-like disclosure is seized upon by the film-makers to add pathos to the great fiend, for instance, when Luke dreams that he unmasks Vader to find his own face behind the dehumanizing, machine-like facade. The great thing about these films is that, even if you don't get the thematic messages embedded in them (which, at some level, everyone is bound to understand), there is so much more to them. Even a child will enjoy these movies, and it is a fact that children seem to cherish them most. (Carlos Colorado)